SeaWarrior Applications Apps

New to the Navy
An Official US Navy mobile application, produced by the Navy PMW240 Program Welcome to the Navy! The New to the Navy mobileapplication is for those Sailors (Enlisted and Officers) who arefresh out of Boot Camp or Officer Candidate School and ready toreport to their first command. In addition, this applicationprovides important information to aid the transition from civilianto military spouse. The app is a Navy Pay and Personnel subset ofthe Career Life Events (CLE) information found on My Navy Portal(MNP) soon to be released in 2017 and answers common questions newSailors may have on pay and personnel matters as they transfer to aschool or to their duty station. The content has been organizedtopically to answer frequently asked questions and steer newSailors to official references, procedures, methods for avoidingmistakes, and pertinent points of contact. Sample questions coveredin this app include: • How do I ship my household goods or personalvehicle to my new duty station? • What types of receipts must Ikeep when I’m on official travel? • I am about to get married --how do I acquire dependent ID cards? • Where can I learn how tomanage Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders? Transfers?Overseas assignments? The New to the Navy app answers these typesof questions and many more under the broad topics listed below.Transfers – Provides resource information to assist you in movingfrom one duty station to another. Topics include: Preparing toreport to your first command, travel claims, PCS orders, pay andallowances, overseas screening, relocating your family and personalbelongings, and the Hometown Area Recruiting Program (HARP).Sponsor Program – Your new duty station will assign a sponsor toyou. Learn how the Sponsor Program works, how to request a sponsor,and how your sponsor can help with housing, vehicles, moving yourhousehold goods, and other issues. Pay, Personnel, and Advancement– Provides information on military pay, taxes, leave and earnings,direct deposit, the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), legal issues,personal advancement, the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System(NSIPS), and your Electronic Service Record (ESR). Marriage andFamily – Offers information on Navy-related issues pertinent to youand your spouse, such as getting married while on leave, obtainingan ID card for your spouse, Temporary Lodging Expenses (TLE), theTRICARE health care program, and Navy Spouse 101, a helpfulintroduction to the Navy for your spouse. New Officers – Providesuseful information on the duties and responsibilities of thoseassigned as division officers or placed into a position ofleadership over enlisted personnel. Also includes resources to helpaddress problems that fall outside typical pay and personnelissues. Emergency – Provides various hotlines, such as the NationalSuicide Prevention Lifeline, Military OneSource, Veterans CrisisLink, and more. Also includes links to emergency serviceorganizations, both military and civilian. What Does This Mean? –Defines many terms and acronyms common to this app and theNavy/Naval Reserve. Favorites – This section is the repository forinformation you mark for future reference as you go through theapp. More detailed information regarding Navy Career Life Events(CLE) will be available within My Navy Portal coming in 2017.
Pregnancy and Parenthood
A Guide to the Navy’s Pregnancy and Parenthood policy for Sailorsand Command.
US Navy Ratings & Reference 1.0.3
An Official US Navy mobileapplication,produced by the Navy PMW 240 Program and NETC.The US Navy Ratings & Reference app provides a fun, easywayto learn Navy ratings. As most service members know, learninghowto recognize ratings is an integral part of any Navy career.After more than 200 years of evolution, today’s Navyenlistedrating structure still plays a key role in careerdevelopment andserves as a basis for training, detailing, andadvancement. US Navyratings are general enlisted occupations thatconsist of specificskills and abilities. Each rating has its ownspecialty badge,which is worn on the left sleeve of the uniform byeach enlistedperson in that particular field. Working uniforms,such ascamouflage Battle Dress Uniforms, utilities, coveralls, andNavalWorking Uniforms, bear generic rate designators that excludetherating symbol.Part of the e-Sailor series of mobile apps, the US NavyRatings& Reference app uses a short game scenario for quickandenhanced learning. The game randomly generatesmultiple-choicequestions and illustrates ratings options associatedwith Navyoccupations, providing points for each correct answer. Thegamebecomes progressively more complex at higher levels. However,if aplayer answers incorrectly, the app shows them the correctanswerin order to reinforce learning.A timing element in the game awards additional points fortimelycorrect answers. By selecting the correct answer before thetimerruns out, a user earns bonus points. However, there’s nostresshere – a user only plays against the app.The US Navy Ratings & Reference app also includes asortablereference area to review all 56 Navy ratings. ThisincludesAviation, Construction, Medical, Administration, andEngineering,among others. The app is a great visual tool forlearning Navyratings and can be revisited frequently by anyonedesiringrefresher training.The e-Sailor initiative was instituted by the Master ChiefPettyOffice of the Navy. e-Sailor leverages state-of-the-artmobiletechnologies to transform training and enhance curriculumdeliverymethodologies at Recruit Training Command. The e-Sailorseries ofmobile apps is being developed to support this effort. Thegoal ofe-Sailor is to increase the quality of work and quality oflife forthe 21st Century Sailor!
US Military Rank & Reference 1.0.7
Identify US Military ranks with score-based games and sortablereference area.
Domestic Violence Prevention 2.12.0
Navy Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) App
PII Awareness
Developed by the Department of the Navy’s SeaWarrior Program Office, PMW-240, and published by TracenTechnologies, Inc.DON Privacy and PII Awareness Mobile ApplicationThe Department of the Navy (DON) Privacy and PersonallyIdentifiable Information (PII) Awareness application is the mobileversion of the DON course of the same name. This mandatory courseis intended to improve privacy awareness across the Department sothat employees will be able to recognize and properly safeguardPII.This app provides an additional means to complete the annualtraining requirement and is available to all Department employees.The goal is to continue to increase privacy awareness across theDON.In addition to the annual training, the app also provides refreshertraining consisting of nine individual short scenarios on varioustopics. Supervisors are encouraged to assign one or more scenariosto individuals whose actions have resulted in a PII breach.By the end of this course, you will be able to:-- Determine your rights and responsibilities under the DON PrivacyProgram,-- Identify PII in your workplace,-- Determine what is required to collect and maintain PII,-- Protect PII by learning how to identify areas where sensitivedata is particularly susceptible andlearn measures to mitigate risks,-- Respond to PII breaches using the appropriate proceduresaccording to policy,-- Know where to go for assistance or more information.Course Completion Verification• DON personnel may use the app to complete their annual mandatorytraining. End-of-course completions can be emailed to Navy TrainingManagement and Planning System (NTMPS) for display in theElectronic Training Jacket (ETJ).• Users should retain course Completion Certificate emails in theirmobile phone Sent Items folder until successful posting in theirETJ or Fleet Training Management Planning System (FLTMPS) can beverified.• If completion does not appear in ETJ or FLTMPS after 72 hours,users may wish to forward a copy of the email to their supervisoror FLTMPS Coordinator/Training POC as verification of completion.If needed, the FLTMPS Coordinator can record course completionmanually using the FLTMPS Learning Event Completion Form.• Questions? Contact NTMPS Support Office at 1-866-438-2898.
OPSEC 2.2.2
An Official US Navy mobile application, produced by the Navy PMW240 Program. Want to know how to better protect your mission,fellow service members and family from potential adversaries? TheU.S. Navy’s OPSEC app – UPDATED FOR 2018 -- is an all-in-oneOperations Security reference, training and education tool forDepartment of Navy (DoN) personnel and their family members. Thisapp consolidates all relevant DoN OPSEC policies, references, toolsand training aids into one convenient, easy-to-use application foryour mobile device. This is your one-stop OPSEC shop! This versionof the app has been updated to include the new “Uncle Sam’s OPSEC”course (USOPSEC, v3), as well as policy updates, documents, videos,references, links and an improved overall look and feel. The app isdivided into the following sections for ease of use: --Policy/Guidance: Includes Joint, DoD, Navy and Marine CorpsPolicies; Navy Tactics, Techniques and Procedures; Marine CorpsWarfighting Publication; and handbooks. -- Training: Features UncleSam’s OPSEC computer-based training, an instructor-led GeneralMilitary Training presentation and ten supervisor led face-to-facescenarios, also known as vignettes. Uncle Sam’s OPSEC steps usersthrough the OPSEC process, followed by five optional short modulesspecifically designed for personnel in Leadership, Planning,Acquisition, Public Affairs and OPSEC Program Manager positions. --Products: Includes training videos on a multitude of OPSEC topics,training briefs and posters to assist OPSEC program managers ineducating their crews. -- Assessments: Features information andresources to assist OPSEC program managers on how to conduct annualOPSEC assessments at their command. A step-by-step guide, briefingtools, assessment checklists and sample questionnaires areincluded. -- Favorites/FAQs: Use this section to highlight parts ofthe app you find most valuable. The Frequently Asked Questionsmodule addresses some of the most common and prevalent OPSEC issuesaffecting DoN personnel today, like spear phishing, socialengineering and computer hacking. The app will be updatedperiodically for content accuracy and new content when applicable.Feel free to share this app and training with family members,relatives and friends. Download yours today!
Navy LifeSkills Reach-back
Applying Navy core values to build your career and your personallife!
Records Management 2.16.2
Learn Navy recordkeeping methods to protect your country andyourself.
Ships & Aircraft Training 1.0.5
Identify over 100 naval ships, aircrafts and equipment viaflashcard style app!
MyNavy Financial Literacy 2.16.6
Financial literacy for your career, your mission, your future!
Navy College Program 2.5.3
An Official U.S. Navy mobile application, produced by the Navy PMW240 Program The Navy College Program (NCP) app provides Sailors andothers with tools to assist them in making informed personal andprofessional development decisions throughout their Navy careers.The app offers users major elements of the Navy College Programwebsite and is particularly useful for helping Sailors withVoluntary Education (VOLED) Programs, including Navy CollegeProgram for Afloat College Education (NCPACE) and TuitionAssistance (TA). The app includes the new Policy and Procedurestraining course for Navy College Program for Afloat CollegeEducation (NCPACE) and features the ability to track coursecompletion via Navy Training and Management Planning System (NTMPS)Electronic Training Jacket. The NCP app gives Sailors mobile accessto voluntary education planning tools, counseling, andapplications. This app allows Sailors to submit WebTA requests anddegree plans, access required counseling, and complete trainingrequirements. Sailors may chat with Navy College Virtual EducationCenter counselors from 0700 to 1900 Eastern time. They may alsosubmit help requests from the Assistance Center and accessfrequently asked questions 24/7. The NCP app features the followingsections: -- Tuition Assistance (TA) – Links users to the MyEducation WebTA website so they can submit a WebTA application,view existing WebTA applications, and access other functions. --Navy College Virtual Education Center (NCVEC) – Provides contactinformation. -- CONUS Navy College Offices – Interactive map ofopen offices. -- Assistance Center – Chat with a counselor, submithelp request tickets, and access FAQs. -- Training – Allows usersto complete the NCPACE Policy and Procedures Training course. --Videos – Provides video tutorials on voluntary education topics,including TA and command information. -- Resources – Providescurrent NAVADMINS relevant to VOLED. -- Joint Services Transcript(JST) – Links users to the JST login page, allowing them to viewtheir JST or request an official JST. -- Emergency resources and aFavorites section allows users to bookmark parts of the app theyfind valuable for easy access. This app is relevant to all NavyTA/NCPACE participants, current Sailors, transitioning Sailors,Veterans, and counselors. The app features public content only,with no authentication or authorization required. Download the apptoday!
Operational Risk Management
Navy ORM Training -- Managing Risk to Ensure Mission Success!
Navy App Locker 1.4.1
Download the Navy App Locker for all your official Navy app needs!
Seabees RTMs
Navy Seabees Rate training available anytime, anywhere on yourmobile device
PMK-EE 2.7.3
An Official U.S. Navy mobile application, produced by the NavyPMW240 Program. New for 2020! • E4 through E7 ratings updatesinclude:• Course materials (including bibliographies, topic andsubtopiclistings) and FAQs • Exam names • Questions and answers•Information about next steps for users when they pass thefinalexam The Navy's Professional Military Knowledge EligibilityExam(PMK-EE) mobile application is a convenient way for Sailorstoprepare for and complete the required exam as part of theenlistedadvancement process for E4/5/6/7 paygrades. The revisedcontentversion of PMK-EE consists of 100 questions spread acrossfiverevised sections: Career Information, Leadership andCharacter,Naval Heritage, Professionalism, Warfighting andReadiness. Sailorsmust achieve a passing score of 80 percent orhigher on eachsection in order to pass the PMK-EE. Failure toachieve an 80percent score on a section will require that sectionto be retaken.Individuals must achieve an overall passing score of80 percent orhigher on the PMK-EE for the next higher paygrade tobe eligible totake the Navy-Wide Advancement Examination (NWAE) forthatpaygrade. When a Sailor exits the app before completing asection,the app bookmarks that spot. The next time the app isopened, itreturns to the bookmarked location, allowing the Sailorto continuewith the exam from that point. The app also tracks thetotal timethe Sailor spends completing each section of the exam.Keyfeatures: • Available anytime, anywhere – no CAC required•Tailored to specific paygrades: E4, E5, E6, and E7 •Displaystopics and bibliography content from any compatible device•Presents randomly selected exam questions each time a Sailoristested on a section • Permits retaking any section as oftenasnecessary to achieve passing score of 80 percent • Submitspassingscores to Navy Training Management Planning System (NTMPS)withentry of a Sailor's DoD ID • Uses mobile device email to sendacopy of course completion certificate The PMK-EE replacestherequirement for the Professional Military Knowledge (PMK)sectionon the Navy-Wide Advancement Examination (NWAE). Topicsandbibliographies used to develop PMK-EE questions are alsoavailableon Navy eLearning and MyNavy Portal within the Advancement&Promotion section. PMK-EE is a part of the Sailor 2025ratingmodernization effort to improve the Sailor experience.Download theapp today!
MyNavy Family 2.16.0
Information and resources for spouses and families — when and whereyou want it!
Any base, anyplace! Find what you need on the go with NAVSEAMobile!
CENSECFOR Toolbox 2.16.8
Provides on-demand access to selected CENSECFOR Training andinformation!
MC RTM Volume 1 1.0.1
Mass Communication Specialist Rate Training Manual Volume 1 mobileapplication!
Aviation Corrosion Challenge 2.7
Challenge your knowledge of corrosion. Download today!
Navy Tools 1.9
Training for safe use of Navy tools. No CAC needed.
USN Morse Code Flashing Light 1.0.2
MCFL - When communication is mission critical, shine a light!
Navy COOL 2.1.27
Top tools from Navy COOL, the Navy's Credentialing OpportunitiesOn-Line website
Shellback 2.11.9
Official Navy leadership and management information in aneasy-to-use app!
FMS Calculator 2.5.10
An Official U.S. Navy mobile application, produced by the NavyPMW240 Program. This mobile app calculates projected FinalMultipleScores (FMS) for E3 through E6 enlisted Sailors eligibleforadvancement to pay grades E4 through E7. A Sailor's opportunitytoadvance to the next paygrade during an advancement cycle isbasedon two primary factors: vacancies and FMS standing amongpeers. TheFMS Calculator mobile app uses the FMS formula tocalculate theprojected FMS, giving Sailors a total score based oninput ofindividual FMS elements. The app provides helpfulinformation fornavigating the FMS parameters and elements. The FMSCalculator appalso provides an FMS pie chart breakdown as well as ahistoricalview by branch class, exam rate, and group, ifapplicable. The 2019release offers a new look and feel that makesthe app similar tousing the FMS Calculator on MyNavy Portal. Thisrelease includesthe latest FMS minimum cut scores for the spring2019 advancementcycles. This release also includes changes in theFMS formulas andimplementation of NAVADMIN 312/18, as well as theReportingSenior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) Performance MarkAverage (PMA)policy. Features: ● FMS Calculator: A simplesingle-screen displaythat enables users to populate FMS elementswith data representingindividual accomplishments and other requireddata. The calculatorfeatures dropdown menus and value inputs thatallow users toexplore "what if" scenarios. It also provides helpfulinformationfor the inputs. Starting with the spring 2019 cycles,the FMSelements are: PMA /RSCA PMA, exam standard score, awardpoints,pass not advanced, service in paygrade, and education. ●FMSHistory: The FMS Calculator app features numerical andgraphicalviews of "what if" FMS scenarios compared to historicalFMS minimumcut scores. Input for the numerical and graphical viewsare BranchClass and Exam Rate and Group. ● Personalization: TheFMSCalculator mobile app is programmed to account fordifferentformulas used at each paygrade, and gives users theability todisplay maximum points that can be accumulated for eachelement. ●Policy/Guidance: The app includes links to specificpolicy in theNavy Advancement Manual, NEAS NAVADMINS, and helpfulNavy-sponsoredwebsites with FAQs and NEAS information. ● FMSContent: Please beaware some information contained in theapplication may be out ofdate or no longer valid. This informationis checked periodicallyfor accuracy and updated as needed via therelease of periodic FMSsoftware updates. Don't wait until exam day- learn about FMSelements and calculate your projected score today!
Official Navy PFA 2.16.0
Everything you need to know about Navy physical fitness - in asingle app!
MC RTM Volume 2 1.0.1
Mass Communication Specialist Rate Training Manual Volume 2 mobileapplication!
VCNO Standards of Conduct 2.11.7
A Resource Designed to Help All Navy Personnel Run a SuccessfulEthics Program.
CLREC Navy Global Deployer 2.15.2
CLREC Navy Global Deployer — The App for Foreign Language andCulture Readiness!
CSS NRTC 2.9.5
Center for Service Support training when and where you need it!
Navy EFMP 3.13.0
An app to aid Navy families with chronic medical/mentalhealth/education needs
DON AP 2.13.4 (3)
DON AP – Everything you need to know to start your DON career!
Warrior Toughness 2.10.12
Helping Sailors reach peak performance by building WarriorToughness skills